Today we finished the removal of the final ceramics from the large assemblage in L05. These included most of the large storage vessels (L14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 40 and 50), in addition to the removal of a small bowl (L53). Additionally, we opened four new loci in order to be prepared for Monday. In the north end of the trench, a semi-circular line of stones has emerged, potentially indicating the lining of a pit. This has become L54, and has its north boundary as the north baulk, with the line of stones extending along the southern border of the locus and separating it from L60 and L56. Locus 60 is a clay platform which emerged after the removal of the organic pile of material that was L11, as well as the removal of the large ceramic assemblage. It’s purpose is as of yet unknown, however it may act as a living surface, and extend beneath the W baulk. It has as its W boundary the western baulk, and it borders L54 in the NE, and L56 along the rest of its eastern border. L56 is a large, irregularly shaped locus, bordering L54 on its north, L60 on its west, L06 and L57 to its west, and the south baulk to the south. I think there are pits beneath this, and we will do a pass to determine this on Monday. L57 is a triangular locus in the SE corner of what was previous L05. It borders L06 to the E and L56 to the W. It is a lighter, more medium brown soil than that found in L56 (which is, on the whole, more clayey). We’ll do another pass in this area as well to try to understand how it relates to the rest of the trench. In opening these, I have closer L05.
We found a small bone handle (Ar/Ge.T27.05.B.02), a jar stopper (Ar/Ge.T27.06.CO.01). Also found three stone tools in L05 (Ar/Ge.T27.05.L.11, Ar/Ge.T27.05.L.12; Ar/Ge.T27.05.L.01).