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Continued the cleaning of L56 and L57, and brought both down another ~5 cm. In L56, two pits became obvious and I gave each its own locus (L58, and L59). At the top of L58 we found a small bone comb (a loom comb?; Ar/Ge.T27.58.B.01), and we also came across an obsidian point from inside L58 (Ar/Ge.T27.58.L.04), as well as a carnellian bead (Ar/Ge.T27.58.L.01) and a small, oval shaped, worked lithic (or ceramic?; Ar/Ge.T27.58.L.03), in addition to a groundstone (Ar/Ge.T27.58.L.02). We also found two groundstones/polishing stones in L59 (Ar/Ge.T27.59.L01; Ar/Ge.T27.59.L.02). I’m still a bit confused about what’s going on in L57, although we did find what seems to be a plaster layer which extends across the arbitrary border between L56 and L57. I suspect that this is the covering over another pit (because in disappears when it mets the bedrock to the north), but we will clean L58 and L59 tomorrow, photograph them, and close them before beginning to investigate what is going on in the southern edge of the trench. Additionally, tomorrow I would like to begin to clear out L54 to see if it is indeed a pit, or some other built feature. After this, we should be finished with the upper part of T27 and will move downslope (probably by Friday of this week).