There are two long, linear, white colored geological seams in the bedrock in L533, which run east to west. The bedrock is deeper between the two seams. The area that I thought was clay at the bottom of L532, was actually part of the seam. There is an area of hard packed, dark brown soil (possibly clay for floor prep for an EBA room?) which is around the rocks east of the LBA wall in the NW corner of the locus. We found a small piece of groundstone (Ar/Ge.T19.533.L.02) in the NE quadrant of the locus. We found another piece (Ar/Ge.T19.533.L.03) just west of the large, dressed stone, and a third piece (Ar/Ge.T19.533.L.04) near where L.02 was found. We found a larger piece of groundstone (Ar/Ge.T19.533.L.05) near the center of the locus. We found a polishing stone (Ar/Ge.T19.533.L.06) near the center of the locus. We found 3 horn cores in L533. We took a large piece of charcoal (3 cm x 3 cm x 1 cm) for radiocarbon dating (Ar/Ge.T19.533.C14.02) near the center of the locus, on top of bedrock.
After clearing L533 down to bedrock, we restarted work in L509, taking it down to the level of the bottom of L511. It turns out that there is either a pot underneath the hearth (L511) or there is an outer clay lining around the hearth. Some of the ceramics collected from L511 may be part of this pot.