Continued working today mostly in WSAC and the doorway area between WSAC and WSAD, at a slow pace because we were screening almost all material. In the morning, we started by continuing to remove Locus 22 in WSAC, in the NW half, which continues to produce a lot of material from screening as well as more bits of charcoal. I will likely have them take out the other half next week, as the floor is not yet visible in the baulk.
In the doorway area WSAC/WSAD, we finished removing Locus 24, which was the remaining brown loamy earth sitting above the level of the three stones in a linear wall-like formation in the middle of the area. I redrew the area, because it had opened slightly with the excavation of Locus 23 and Locus 24. I then declared WSAC/WSAD Locus 25 as the matrix beneath, at the level of this potential earlier wall, and delimited by rocks on all sides. The aim is to excavate either side of these stones to see if another course appears, indicating a wall; or if it is just a careful blockage of the doorway. No sizeable pieces of charcoal were recovered today from this locus, but we didn't finish excavating this area. From excavating it, however, it is clear that there is no rock to the NE of this line where the face of the door would have been, and there doesn't appear to be stones underneath it, particularly in the area between the SE wall face in WSAC and these three stones in Locus 25. See sketch.
At the end of the day I did some troweling in Locus 21 in WSAD, near Feature 16, to try and ascertain the nature of the matrix, which appears highly mottled, with yellows and oranges in patches near the stones. I took two charcoal samples close to Feature 16, the second which is significantly large and about 15 cm south of the stone feature.