We started a new locus on the western side of the LBA wall, in the NW corner of the trench under L509 (L534). The soil in this locus is light brown and sandy, with a moderate amount of gravel inclusions. It is fairly loose, with the exception of an area in the SW corner which is highly compact, which may just be a continuation of the soil matrix from the previous locus.
We removed the hearth feature (L510 and L511) and discovered that there is indeed a whole vessel under the southern part of the hearth (L511). We photographed it twice, once before all of the hearth feature was removed and once after all of L510 and L511 were removed. The soil inside the vessel is being taken as a macrobotanical sample (Ar/Ge.T19.511.MB.02).
We decided to bring the unexcavated areas in the SW part of T19 to the level of the top of L534. The materials from this are bagged as L535. While bringing down the unexcavated area south of the NW corner of T19, we found a fragment of a ceramic andiron (Ar/Ge.T19.535.CO.01).