Began the day walking around T22 and T27 with Adam discussing the possible architecture in both trenches. In the end, we are both scratching our heads a bit-- trying to decide how best to determine which are EB and what are LB constructions. In T22 it seems obvious that most of the substantial constructions are LB, though there is certainly an EB occupation in both the upslope portion of the trench (beneath L114) as well as in the downslope portion of the trench (L108). The section for T22, especially in the downslope part, shows at least four different stratigraphic layers, so we decided it was best to open a new locus expanding the downslope portion of the trench to the W in order to see the section close to the stones in the N baulk which are associated with the wall (L114) between T22 2008 and T22 2010. This locus is T22, L115, and will have both a N section (N baulk) and a W section (what Vato is cutting back), and so should allow us to better understand the relationship between the architecture. Vato excavated this locus from just before lunch until the end of the day and made good progress-- he should finish tomorrow. Seems that only EB pottery is coming from it (though it is difficult to understand how the stratigraphic layers in the N baulk coincide with the layers in the W baulk.
In T27 the granite wall continues to remain clear, though a pile of smaller stones in the S portion of L61 seem intentional and may indicate a purposeful reinforcement of the granite wall. L61 contains mostly LB pottery, though there are a few EB pieces-- and between L61 and L62, just downslope of the third large stone in the granite wall (from S-N) only EB pottery was emerging. For this reason I opened this as a new locus (L63). Additionally in order to know whether L06 is sitting directly on the bedrock (and hence intentional LB construction) I opened a new locus just beneath where L57 was. In the E bedrock is beginning to emerge after 8-10 cm of excavation, however in the SW substantial amounts of burnt and unburnt bone are coming out, and it is a loose matrix suggesting that this may be another pit. I will continue excavating it tomorrow.