Today was another busy day. In locus 17, I traced out the pipe-shaped feature (which is now Locus 21) another 50 cm or so, to the west. It is now at least 90 cm long, and it may be longer; yesterday, what I thought was its end was a break. Today, I may have found the end, or I may have found another break. Tomorrow, hopefully we'll be able to tell. It has also developed a twist, sort of like a slight corkscrew, and it is higher on the west end than on the east. We also found that there are the remains of the orange, packed-clay feature surrounding Locus 20 on 3 sides. Sampled 4 bags' work of soil from inside Locus 20. In Locus 19, we came down on what appears to be the floor, and also possibly found two column bases, though tomorrow Lori will come and help make that designation. Neither of them is at the end of the feature that is Locus 18, however.