Was going to map out the second Gegharot hectare, but forgot the TotalStation. Oops.
I got most of the first hectare processed though, so I went around the site with my image, trying to see if I could correspond features in the landscape with magnetic anomalies. There were plenty. The bright 8x8m region east-central of the hectare is a slight ovoid depression, with an outer ring of vegetation and inner vegetal oval as well. After speaking with Ian and Adam, it seems that this will be the most likely candidate for a test trench—it could be part of an EBA deposit that previous test trenches tried to find. The linear feature in the southwest corner of the hectare is not visible in the landscape, except there might be a depression where the gap is. This is totally fine, and still is an interesting feature. The lines to the north appear to be terraces, and are definitely not car or cattle tracks. The central rectangle is visible on the surface as a rectangular depression.
I then spent the rest of the time until lunch in Hannah's trench, and afterwards in Jeff's. All interesting places.
An American fellow from the Peace Corps came by with two other people, Armenians.