Last day in both WSAC and WSAD. In the morning I did one final probe along the SE baulk in WSAD to find bedrock, which we did quickly, and you can now see the dark, organic lens of the floor in the baulk. We came down on two large rocks, surrounded by the very orange gritty layer seen in Feature 35 and in WSAC, and further into a grayer/yellow clay, which was completely sterile.
I had the guys sweep both rooms, then did the baulk drawing for the NW side of WSAC, which was the most interesting baulk. It extends from the NE wall, showing clearly the slope of the room with a layer of rocks contemporaneous with the human bones of Locus 9. It also shows two lenses of the floor at the bottom in our probe to find bedrock.
Unfortunately while taking final photos it started raining, so they were completed 8/13/10 for WSAD.