I've expanded locus 7 to include the hemicircle of rocks cutting into the north baulk. Ruben advised me on the removal of rocks of locus 5—afterall, we don't want to remove three courses of rockfall just for kicks. In this locus, many very destroyed sherds were found in between the rocks, some split laterally or cooked to a brittle dark grey—Vahe remarked, "Очень старих сосуды." The rocks removed from locus 5 were mostly from the central area of the east baulk, and were relatively small and loose.
Locus 9 was created, and characterized by a tan clay, but no change in deposits. It covered the old region of locus 7.
Locus 10 was created just a couple centimeters below locus 9. This is the cultural layer common to many trenches of Gegharot, and is dark, moist, and fine. Locus 10 and 8 were joined to create locus 11.
Locus 11 is a mix of soil types, with some 10cm-diameter pockets darker like locus 10, some consisting of pulverized mica, all amid a tan clay as in locus 9.
Locus 11 was henceforth joined with locus 8 to create locus 12. The remaining loci at this depth are locus 5 (the rock pile) and locus 12 (everything else).