Most of my efforts today focused on WSI2 and especially locus 20--the central feature of the room that looks like a rectangular box (composed of stone and ceramic slabs) and is surrounded by a packed clay matrix speckled with charcoal. I decided to excavate the clay matrix (orange or light brown in places) in the hopes of clarifying the feature in its entirety. In so doing, additional stone and ceramic slabs were identified, strewn about the feature in a roughly semi-circular fashion. The context is both delicate and peculiar. A sample of the matrix was collected for botanical analysis. A few centimeters in front of the "box", within the packed clay matrix is a very distinct black striation that extends along the entire course of the "box" and wraps around to the north side. Am hoping Ruben and Adam can visit tomorrow to consult on the situation and advise on how much more of the matrix to remove in preparation for Lilit. Also, I am not at all certain of how much of the feature to remove, bearing in mind that much of it consists of ceramic slabs. Particularly notable is a semi-circular ceramic tray-like fragment (less than half of it intact) at the southeastern perimeter of the locus, which is in danger of falling out of context. Very few materials retrieved from today's work in WSI2 locus 20. Elsewhere in the trench, we continued to clean the room in preparation for Lilit. As for WSN, it was a less eventful day. See place form for loc1 24 and 25. The former locus was closed and the latter was opened. Excavating locus 25 will bring the upper part of WSN down to to the level of locus 19 in the southern/south-easterly sector of the trench. We are still making our way through the deep silt wash deposits so characteristic of the west settlement.