First day of the 2011 season for me at Gegharot. Adam and I laid out the corners of a new excavation trench just to the north of T27 (which I excavated in 2010). This new trench will be T32 at Gegharot, with the goal of investigating whether the series of ceramics found in T27 continue to the north. We've decided not to leave a baulk between T27 and T32 since there is not architectural reason to do so, and will, instead, just bring T33 down to the T27 level. Our other goals for the reason will eventually be to open up a new trench to the west of the new T33 (and therefore just to the north of T22, part of which I excavated last year [2010] and part of which was excavated in 2008 by Elizabeth Fagan). We'll leave a 1 m baulk between T32 and this trench to the west, but more to come on that once we've begun to excavate it. T32 is 3.5 m N-S and 5 m E-W, limited in the N-S direction by a bedrock outcrop. Today we were able to remove the sod, and were still working in the topsoil (all of which is L1), though towards the end of the day we did come across the tops of a few rocks. I hope to finish this locus (i.e. removing the topsoil) tomorrow. Judging by the N baulk of T27, we should have a topsoil layer (~15-20 cm), then a mixed organic/ashy layer with medium inclusions (~20 cm) followed by an ashy layer with few inclusions, that extends 40-50 cm before hitting the LBA cultural level from T27, though it is possible that there are later occupations in T32 since the top of the hill might have been particularly attractive to later squatters. Time will tell. So far we have a bag of ceramics, a bag of lithics, and a bag of bone, and also found an iron nail/pin today, labeled as object 1. Obviously historic, but worth cataloguing nonetheless.