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Continued moving down in AC1 Locus 3 this morning. Soon after moving beneath the organic, dark soil with burnt features (right beneath the rock collapse layer) the soil turned crumbly-er, sandier, and redder. I switched loci and designated the new one Locus 5. Locus 5 covers and surrounds another context of stone collapse (locus 6), which includes some burnt soil, burnt stones, and large pieces of worked masonry (photos). We dug probably 20 cm in AC1 today.

At the very end of the day I switched backed over to AC2 and started digging across loci 2 (brown soil, east side of the trench) and 3 (yellow sand, west side of linear feature, extending all of trench S-N). Locus 3 contained some bone and ceramic materials, but locus 2 seems to be totally barren of materials-- I hesitate to say sterile. I will continue focusing on Locus 3 for the time being, and see if the linear stone feature resolves into more concrete form lower down.

Today was payday at Arai, and hot.