We began the day by opening a new locus at the E edge of the trench where T32 and T27 meet. After talking to Adam, we decided it made sense to use the stratigraphy visible in the section to guide the excavation of T32. Initially I intended to remove a ~10-15 cm layer moving across the trench from E to W, but in the SE corner of the trench, we soon came down on what seemed to be a piece of wood (but not burned), sticking up through the soil matrix. In the process of trying to tease out whether this continued down into the matrix, we excavated close to 25 cm. So, we leveled out that corner of the trench (about a 1.8 m swath N-S, and 0.5 m E-W), and will peel a 10-15 cm layer off the rest of the trench, and open a new locus and bring the whole trench down to this level. In any case, the wood piece seems to extend even deeper into the matrix-- maybe it's a post of some sort!? We also found a small fragment of worked stone (maybe a polishing stone or the foot of a stone vessel?), and a jar stopper. I also took a relatively large C14 sample from L04. I've decided only to take large (c. 8 cm and larger) samples that are not in any important context, since we'll only run larger/contextual samples anyway.
The goal tomorrow will be to continue to peel back L04, moving towards the west where there are some stones. We'll try to determine whether these are purposefully place (I suspect they aren't and we'll end up removing them), and then continue towards the W edge of the trench, to see how the bedrock is used in the LBA construction.