in the AM we worked in ACI to remove the remainder of Locus 7 from off the surface context. Cleaned down, traced a burned pit feature (Locus 9), designated the cleaned surface Locus 10, photographed. Took a charcoal sample from Locus 9.
Moved to AC2 in the PM. Took down the southernmost meter of Locus 5 (linear stone scatter/rubble and soil feature running N-S) in midtrench. Also taking down Locus 6 in AC 2-- dark brown soil, stones, with large stones and concrete concentrated especially in the northern half of the trench. perplexed by locus 2, the band of yellowy, chunky sandy soil with almost no materials running n-s on the west edge of the trench. Trying to understand this locus is part of my motivation in taking down Locus 5, which is looking more like an artifact of rubble collapse slumped against the sand feature.