We continued excavating L04 in T32 today, removing a ~20 cm pass, and attempting to expose the bedrock along the western edge of the trench in order to better understand how the LBA people may have used it in construction. We also removed a layer or rocks in the NE quadrant of the trench. These were clearly not sitting on any architecture, and needed to be removed before we could continue to excavate another pass. A ceramic disck (Ar/Ge.T32.04.CO.02), two "jar-stoppers" (Ar/Ge.T32.04.CO.03; Ar/Ge.T32.04.CO.04) and a worked stone (Ar/Ge.T32.04.CO.02) were taken from the trench today also. After lunch the weather was very windy, and eventually it began to rain and hail. This forced us to end the work day a bit early (around 3:15 PM), meaning we were unable to finish L04 today, and will continue with it tomorrow. Before this happened, however, we were able to clean the soil which was knocked from T32 into T27. I've labeled this cleaning locus, L05.