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Started today with declaring two new loci in WSAC2, because the cultural fill/tan mottled silty clay had extended to the northern corner and because there was a slight change in texture (to a slightly more hard packed consistency with some chalky areas) and more noticeable charcoal (not much though). The locus has a range of different lenses of darker organic material, orangish and yellowish clays and more grayish pockets. Declared this Locus 20, which runs along Feature 15 to the SW wall/doorway area. Had the workers do a 10 cm pass in this locus and screen it, and they found a rough ceramic disk and an odd-shaped worked stone (?). Also took a radiocarbon sample from a nicely sized piece near the SW wall. They finished one pass and I had them clean and trowel the stones of Feature 15 (linear stone 'trough'), which has another course appearing underneath the ones visible from Locus 13 above. It is possible that this linear feature has more courses preserved than the ones uncovered last year in WSAC.

I declared the continuation of the very dark, more aerated matrix in the western corner and along the NW baulk Locus 21, which has a number of small to medium sized rocks. The western corner also has several stones that are probably wall fall or part of the door blockage. Gagik found another large rim sherd in this black soil between these larger stones, which makes at least 4 large vessel fragments in this southern section of the room, potentially 10-20 cm above the floor excavated last year. I had the workers start a 10 cm pass and screen this locus when rain came and we stopped working around 2:30.