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Most of our efforts today focused on WSN locus 35 and clearing the WB ramp and jumble of rocks in the north quadrant of the room in the hopes of exposing the possible doorway behind it. The results remain inconclusive (several rocks removed that were clearly floor--see sketch in notebook and photos). The wall in this area is poorly preserved and it appears that some of the stones of the wall have leaned inward (as is apparent from the condition of the wall just to the west) to the point where they have fallen in. At present, the situation on the top of the northwest wall does not clarify the question of the doorway since only one stone is visible--though this one does seem like it could line the passageway to WSL. To resolve the question, the next step is to excavate the top of the wall, work I am saving for a day when the soil is wet and it is not possible to screen interior matrices. Elsewhere in WSN, today we closed locus 32, with the intention of dividing its footprint into two new locus. Locus 36, begun today, marks the southern corner of the room, an area bounded by a line of rocks at its eastern edge. The matrix here is an extremely packed clay, I think a likely floor (soil sample taken) which bottoms out on bedrock. The second locus, 37, was also opened today. It is defined by the line of rocks that line locus 36 and the line of rocks that, in the east corner, demarcates locus 33. The matrix of locus 37 is the same aerated clayish medium brown silt of locus 32. It appears to be bottoming out on either bedrock or, less likely, a flagstone floor. Locus 33 is still open for the time being (in the east corner of the room).