AM. we removed the soil (decayed concrete and stone) of Locus 8 from AC2, leaving the large worked stones, stones resting on the floor, stones indicating the pattern of collapse of the arches above Locus 10, and the stones in the west baulk. We reached a dark brown, clayey soil level across the trench, Locus 12. I maintained a buffer around the bases (Locus 10), which I will take out by the end of the week, after I draw the current situation.
PM Continued taking down locus 15 in AC1, leaving the stones of Locus 14 and the wall (locus 17). Near burnt soil locus 16 in the north part of the trench there seems to be soil change to a finer, grayer soil, which i designated Locus 18 today. I need to clarify this as we focus on cleaning the trench and further excavate tomorrow.