Today we enlarged the trench T08 from the "southern" part 1,5m up and 2,5m to south in order to find the continuation of W801. It still goes on in south-eastern direction. The area in front of the wall in this extended part is practically 'empty'. So we limited the extention (1,5x1,5m + 2,5x2,1m).
In T09 we continued the work in the locus 3. Down to -158 cm the soil has not changed. It is still very hard clay. Ceramic material is few but there is a significant quantity of faunal remains.
We studied also the slope of the hill adjacent to village houses in order to find any destroyed or preserved architectural remains or burials (we came to know that the village people usually have different finds from the territory of their houses). Close to one of the houses we noticed remains of a possible wall. We will check it later.