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Began the day by cleaning for photographs (again because of the better morning light) and to allow Lilit to draw L15-18. After we had cleaned, we opened up an extension to T27 (T27E extends to the north 1 m, and is only an extension of the most westerly 5 m of T27). This extension is meant to catch the top of the NW-SE running wall that seems to meet with Ar/Ge.T32.08 in the northern part of this trench. At this point, because Lilit was drawing in T32 and I wanted to stay out of her way, I sent three of my workers to help Vartuhi excavate T33, while the other three worked on removing the topsoil from the T27 extension. Once we had removed the topsoil, I have Arman and Garen clean the clay platform in the W of T27 so that I could get a better idea of how much more we needed to remove in order to be at the same level in T32 (looks like 20-30 centimeters, based on the uneven nature of the clay platform). Towards the end of the day we returned to cleaning and excavated the T27 extension and will continue this tomorrow, with the goal of finishing it in the morning and beginning to peel back the final layer of T32 tomorrow afternoon (hopefully finishing this on Monday).