Some interesting developments occurred in the NW end of the trench today. No digging took place in locus 16, but 17 was closed after cleaning of the flagstone floor was completed. One rock in locus 17 was discovered which had two small holes / basins (about 3-4cm deep) carved into it; this could have been where a post that supported the roof was anchored. This rock is 240cm from the NE baulk, 2m from the NW edge of the trench, and has an elevation of 2140.111.
After opening locus 18 to the SW of locus 17, it became clear that there were materials in 18 that were below the level of the floor in 17. Possibly this indicates a second occupation phase, but surely there are other interpretations. The matrix in locus 18 is entirely red clay, but there are some interesting stratigraphic patterns where its NE edge meets the SW edge of locus 17. It may simply be random deposits of clay, but in places it looks like there are two layers. Whether this is an indication of two floor levels (and thus two occupations) remains to be seen.
A charcoal sample (Ar/Ts.WSM2.18.C14.1) was also taken today from locus 18. It was sitting on the outer edge of the feature in locus 16, against a rock. It was 95cm from the NW edge of the trench, 2m from the SW edge, and had an elevation of 2139.971.