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Laid out Conner's ET4 trench in a small squarish room within a larger rectangular room detected by the mag in 2008.

In SLT13, we spent the day bringing down the north half of locus 2, as Roman asked us to avoid digging down further near the locus 5 stone basin in case he needed to take further samples from the area surrounding the feature. While going down in locus 2, we recovered a complete, if crude, basalt blade at 2.40m below datum (Ar/Ts.SLT13.2.L.4). When we got down to the level of the feature (-2.60m below datum), I decided to change the level to locus 6. The soil didn't really change color or texture, but the stone feature suggests we are close to the floor so it seemed prudent to start a new locus for that reason.

We're also bringing down the soil along the outside of the wall between the wall and the operation baulks, which I've dubbed locus 3. On the western side of the locus, we recovered a small complete ceramic wheel with a hole through the middle (Ar/Ts.SLT13.3.CO.1) found at 1.52m below datum.

In SLT14, I collected three more radiocarbon samples from locus 5 all between 1.07 and 1.13m below datum; these are Ar/Ts.SLT14.5.c14.4, .5, and .6. Still getting a lot of bones from this locus, which are at times displaying a reddish tint. This locus is quite gravelly and compact in places making the digging a little tougher.