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AM removed the last of locus 15 from AC1, uncovering a smeary floor context littered with small embedded artifacts (locus 21), also some emerging flagstones from the trough (locus 20) to the east wall. in taking down locus 15 i noticed that there is actually a separate, earlier context of wall collapse (eg when the stones first fell out of their sockets/were taken out)-- this is below the more levelly-deposited strate of locus 15 and also directly underneath locus 14, which has a higher organic component. took a soil sample from locus 20 (the trough with stone bottom- soil sample from above concrete fill but contains wet-soil deposit). also took a soil sample from the floor context (locus 21)in the northeast corner, where it was thicker and studded with a thicker concentration of artifacts, as well as some burning. photos.
PM worked in AC2: removed fallen stones and concrete, took down the buffers of locus 8 around the arch bases (locus 10). cleaned the floor, which is grayish with burnt spots. photos of floor and baulks.