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Opened up a 2x3m extension to the eastern baulk of T02b to try to catch the L.B. wall from T02. Got two more workers to help out with this. To facilitate this we had to remove the large stone with my datum on it. So I took a vertical measurement between the datum and the NW corner of T02b since the trench hasn't yet been mapped with the total station. The datum was 146cm above the corner, which will be needed to calculate the point proveniences for artifacts, floors, etc.

Ando tried to remove the big rock with his jeep after it fell into the depths of T02b, but snapped two cables in the process. So he will be bringing a thicker cable tomorrow.

Just before lunch, we hit bedrock inside the L.B. wall in T02. Very deep. So we continued digging in T02c to eventually reach the same level.