Only one new locus was opened today (locus 27), and since it needed to be screened progress was slow. Sahag, Araik, and Gor broke several large rocks in locus 23. They made good progress, but there is still a long way to go in the SE part of the trench before we can dig it to the same elevation as the rest. I cleaned the part of the floor that had been exposed in locus 17, since the rain we've gotten the past couple of days washed a good deal of soil onto it. This made we wonder if these rooms originally incorporated a drainage plan of any sort. The floor plan in general seems slightly slanted and not level, but perhaps this was intentional. Even though the rooms were roofed they surely took in a fair amount of water.
I also troweled a bit in locus 16 and noticed more burnt clay. I'll have to keep an eye out for other signs of burning as we excavate that locus further.