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7 workers finished removing most of the sod from Locus 1 in WSAC3 in the morning, so I opened Locus 2 as the upper overburden of dark loose loam in the area of the operation delimited by the SW and NW walls of the room. In the SW the locus is about 4 m wide, whereas along the NE baulk the locus is roughly 6. The guys removed about 3/4 of this locus by the end of the day, while I took final elevations in WSAC2 and drew.

There is an interesting space appearing in the northern area of the operation in the NW wall, with a much lighter brown, almost chalkish soil appearing near some rocks and what looks like a very large gap in the NW wall. About 4.5 m from the western corner where the two walls abut, there is a nicely squared corner and the stones appear to go back to the NW west, perhaps forming some sort of niche? It looks too wide to be a doorway and there are three very large stones visible from the surface which look like the face of a wall.