Efforts focused on the floor of WSN today. Four new loci created, 55, 56, 57, and 58, each of which covers a section of the floor. Loci 55 and 56 are adjacent to one another, and adjacent to 54. In both cases, we are dealing with the tannish brown silty clay cultural deposit that sits above the sterile clay prep and bedrock surfaces below. In locus 56, while working around the sherds of the large storage vessel identified at the bottom of locus 39, we discovered a pit dug into the natural bedrock which contained several sherds of the same large storage vessel. Took photos and covered back up for complete photos of the room's floor. Also, identified yet another groundstone in the floor, in locus 55. This brings the count up to 4 groundstones on the floor of the room. Opened locus 58 in the west corner, and came down upon a bed of rocks that resembles the rectangle of rocks from WSI2. The picture in this area will hopefully be more clear once we take down the WB ramp. Still waiting to dig the possible hearth in the west corner (also extending under the WB ramp). Collected several soil samples today from the floor. Also, collected a groundstone from locus 48. Little work done in WSM3 today. Continued in locus 2. Very rocky situation. Will assess what to remove on Monday.