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The main focus today was the WB ramp in WSN. We worked for a bit in locus 53, bringing the level of the doorway down to the level of the floor in the rest of the room. We also cleaned further the rectangle of rocks in locus 58, in the west corner. Attention then turned to the WB ramp. Locus 59 was a locus small in area, just at the lowest levels of the WB ramp, that can be regarded as a part of the floor. Locus 60 is the main bulk of the WB ramp, which we brought down to the level of what was locus 59 before excavation. In this way, locus 62 can be treated as a stratum 3 locus in that it is at the same level as what was locus 59, 48, 49, etc. Apart from working in the area of the WB ramp, I also opened two new loci in the north corner. One (61) covered the general area in which we had a cluster of seemingly unaligned rocks and a matrix very much like that of the floor in the rest of the room. The floating rocks were removed. Within this locus, just adjacent to the northwest wall, is an enigmatic hard substance, seemingly burnt clay. Will sample. We closed locus 61 and opened locus 63 when we came upon two clear alignments of stones that seem to section off a small corner in the north. Within this sectioned off area, we excavated locus 63, which turned out to be a pit within which were several chunks of stone with evidence of burning on them. Meanwhile, in WSM3, we closed locus 2 and opened locus 3. The trench is extremely rocky and several of the very large boulders appear to be floating. Will break these tomorrow. The matrix of locus 3 is the usual medium brown overburden.