While a team of workers broke the floating rocks in WSM3, most of my energies today were focused yet again on the floor in WSN. We opened two new loci today, both just adjacent to the northwest wall of the room. The first, locus 64, was in the area of the former WB ramp and just to the north of it, and the intention in creating this locus was to expose the presumed hearth first hinted at in the course of excavating locus 48. Indeed, locus 64 came down upon a distinct feature marked by a roughly rectangular arrangement of stones within which was much burnt earth and a burnt clay like substance, embedded within a packed clay matrix with an additional alignment of stones embedded into this same clay matrix just to the north of the center of the feature. Toward the west corner from the feature are several fragments of vessels as well as large fragments of a platter similar, it seems, to those excavated in WSI2. The entire area is speckled with charcoal (none large enough to collect). We have yet to define the full limits of the feature. Photos taken today... will excavate further tomorrow. Just adjacent to this area, I opened a new locus, 65, to the north. Our goal here was to excavate the dips an depressions in the floor that we discovered upon finishing up locus 48. For in some areas, locus 48 bottomed out on clay, while in other areas the tannish clay of the floor matrix continues to greater depths. The area is thoroughly speckled with bits of charcoal, one of which was large enough to sample for C14 analysis. Ended the day with this locus still open.