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My last day on site for a little less than a week (heading back to the US tomorrow morning for a friend's wedding), and there's plenty to do to get the trench in order before I leave. Thankfully Varduhi will be around to keep track of things while I'm gone, and probably to excavate T32 and T33 together while I'm away.
We began the day by removing the large storage jar (Ar/Ge.T32.17) and the Magral (Ar/Ge.T32.16), before spending time cleaning T32 and continuing to remove the remnants of the baulk between T32 and T33. Additionally, I had Aris begin cleaning the NW corner of T22 (where it meets T32 and T33, and where most of the collapse from T32 and T33 has fallen since there is a foxhole in the N and W baulks of T22 there). I also took a number of measurements to close out many of the loci that are still open in T32. Finally, Arman spent most of the day working in the clay basin, first removing soil (what became Ar/Ge.T32.41 so that Roman can keep the layers with the ceramics and the layers beneath the ceramics separate). He also cleaned the basin, and then cleaned the clay beneath the large storage vessel, beneath which is a clear stone platform (the platform equals Ar/Ge.T32.47, and is 1.70 m long N-S and 0.70 m E-W. By the end of the day T32 has been cleaned, photographed and back-filled, and was read for Varduhi to continue work on the western portion of the T32/T33 baulk (what really will be the T22/T27 baulk).