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Started six workers (minus Gagik H.) in the morning excavating the rest of Locus 6, including the area to the SW of the two apparent linear stone features and to the S and W corners of the operation. These linear features are now visible as one or two courses at this elevation; it looks like two large stones fell off to the S. The soil around these stones is still the darker brown/black of the overburden, although it is not as dried out as the locus above (3). As this shovel pass moved to the southern area of the operation, a lot of large to medium sized rocks appeared (or more of the ones visible yesterday emerged), and I'm not sure how to explain them all as wall fall. Three very large stones about 2 m from the SW wall seem to be aligned, and currently run into the wheelbarrow ramp.
We shortened the wheelbarrow ramp and I added these materials to Locus 6, as it is the same matrix.
After cleaning these rocks in the southern corner (and some into the western corner) I had the workers excavate Locus 7 after lunch, the pocket of lighter brown/siltier soil abutting the SW wall and delimited by rocks. There were a lot of bones from this locus (including a potential worked antler) and few ceramics. The end of one shovel pass in this roughly 1.5 by 1 meter area turned up the clay-y, mottled soil with organic splotches seen in the other areas of the room as cultural fill.
At the end of the day we swept the surface of the operation and I took some informal pictures so that we can designate new loci tomorrow and continue to expose more of the linear feature (which I have not yet named because its limits are unknown and we seem to be at the top of it).