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Locus 6 was established, covering the whole trench, directly under locus 4 and 5. There were no soil changes associated with its creation. The removal of the large boulders visible from the surface negated the need to split the trench into two loci. Locus 6 was the only locus in operation at this time. Finds consisted primarily of animal bones, with some Late Bronze Age potsherds, and very scant obsidian. A small piece of burnt material (Ar/Ts.ET2.6.c14.1) was found near the southwest baulk and collected. It was not found in association with other features of note, though locus 6 does include Late Bronze Age sherds, animal bones (including two long bones which may have been worked to create very flat and polished articulating surfaces), and scant obsidian.

Later we encountered a clay-like stratum, which completely replaced locus 6 as locus 7. This locus averages 1 m in depth. Decaying basalt bedrock is either visible or just below. The loamy soil above the degrading rock surface is a tan-orange, which gives way to a dark clay above. Late Bronze Age potsherds are still found here. It is possible that the clay of locus 7 is a prepared clay floor. This will be investigated after the trench is cleaned tomorrow.