Finished photographing ET2 and ET3. Still need to draw southern baulk of ET3.
Curvilinear formation of stones in ET4 is becoming more coherent. There seems to be only one course to the 'walls', but this is unconfirmed. It is possible that the near the west baulk lies the actual foundation of the walls, and may contain a more consolidated line of basalt boulders—the boulders now visible therefore may be wall fall.
After the topsoil is cleared and leveled, I will designate the interior space locus 2, and the space exterior to the walls locus 3. Future interior loci will be even-numbered, while future exterior loci will be odd-numbered.
I have not found the southern face of the walls, and do not believe they lie in the current extent of the trench. Eventually I would like to extend the south baulk by 1 m, as the surface architecture there may be this face of the wall.