Today while shoveling with the deep shovel, Sevo-jan stepped on and collapsed a small sinkhole caused by an animal burrow. It was interesting to peer into the interior space from a small hole in the burrow's ceiling.
Sevo also found a stone artifact in another portion of the trench—a smoothed, 5-faced worked stone, perhaps a whetstone. It is an elongated rhombus that tapers into flat-topped pyramidal geometry at one end, while the other end is a rough flat surface (not well worked). One face of the pyramidal region is at a lower slant angle than the other 3 faces of the region, suggesting this is the working face, which was worn down to a shallower angle with use. The 4 faces that form the body of the artifact are smoothed, as are their corners. The body faces are 6.0 cm long. The unworked rear end is 2.5 cm wide and 3.0 cm thick. It was found in locus 2, at a depth of 1.08 m below datum, 1.65 m from the south-baulk, and 2.35 m from the west-baulk. It was found while digging the locus 2 partition, using a deep shovel to place dug dirt in the wheelbarrow. Thus, the positional data may not be accurate, as they do not represent the object's location in situ, only a relative location.
More bones are being found as locus 2 is leveled, as are ceramic sherds. Two large obsidian stones were found as well. However, bones are the most common artifact type.