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Operations at ET4 have ceased on account of extremely scant finds. The interior of the rounded-rectangular stone formation has been excavated to bedrock at locus 6. The smaller outer region abutting the west-baulk was excavated to locus 3. The larger outer region abutting the north-baulk was excavated to locus 5.

I began excavations at the 5 x 7 m unit at SLT12 today. The going was slow, as I'm just removing topsoil. Had 2 shovel crews with 3 wheelbarrows working at opposite baulks. The unit seems to include two sets of walls that also run through the other SLT units. Should be interesting to see how they articulate.

Already, in the less than 10 m^2 I've excavated in SLT12 locus 1 thus far, I've found more potsherds than in all of ET4. Interesting that the northeast slope of Tsaghkahovit hill has so little evidence of habitation—but also telling, if one considers the defensive function inherent to a fortress (albeit just one facet of Tsaghkahovit).