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Again spent most of our time working in T34 (but also spent just a bit of time working in T32 in order to help Lilit draw and get some final elevations before closing out of the trench and backfilling tomorrow and the following days). In T34 we're continuing to excavate with shovels in most of the trench, but are using trowels in the N and W edges of the trench where there seems to be architecture. On the one hand there is clearly a large (and stepped?) E-W wall that extends across the entire N edge of the trench, with a possible wall (though slightly confusing and still not entirely exposed) along the W edge of the trench and up against the bedrock.
In T32 Arman worked on excavating L49 which is a large pit that is largely beneath the clay platform. As such, it was necessary to remove a section of the clay platform along the N edge to expose the rest of the pit (and to provide another section of the platform). Clearly the platform was built after this pit as a significant portion of the pit is covered by the platform.
Finally, I spent a portion of the afternoon shooting in the corner pegs for the last two GPR units that Adam will survey tomorrow (that means he won't have to take the total station to site tomorrow). We'll finish up GPR survey tomorrow to get the wheel back to Arkati.