Many loci opened and closed today. I closed locus 41 at the beginning of the day, then opened and closed 42, 43, 44, and 45. Locus 43 ran against the SW wall and was dug to find a) the bottom of the wall and b) the bedrock layer. It did not extend deep to find either, so after it was completed I opened locus 46 directly underneath it. Locus 43 did however reveal the bottom of the NW wall in the W corner, as well as a new matrix of grayish clay. Locus 46 seemed to be reaching bedrock by the end of the day, but we'll need to dig it further tomorrow.
Locus 42's top elevations are the bottom of locus 29. One pass within this feature did not reveal a bedrock layer, and the materials that came from locus 42 were not exceptionally many or interesting. We may make another pass in the area tomorrow. One interesting thing to note about this locus is the presence of two large rocks on the NW side. That these should be underneath a square feature is interesting, and for me raises the question of how deep the floor was during the original occupation.
Locus 44 uncovered the top of the SE wall. The middle of this wall (the middle of the part of it exposed in WSM2, that is) has fallen out, so I took the soil in that area down to the level of the top of the wall.
Locus 45 was a probe along the NE baulk. Its purpose was to determine whether the trench had reached the sterile bedrock clay in this area. There were no materials in the locus, and the matrix was consistently a thick reddish clay, so it does indeed appear that we have reached bedrock in the NE.
At the end of the day I opened locus 47 to clean another section of the SW wall (one that had not been dealt with by locus 39), but the day ended before I had time to dig it. It will be a priority for tomorrow.