Today was the last day of excavation, thus drawing the section and taking the LB floor area down to the level of the bottom floor were our priorities. Both goals were accomplished. We cleared Locus 55 down to the level of the middle floor, took the levels, and then opened a new locus (Locus 56) in order to take the northern half of the floor area down to the level of the lowest floor. Along the wall (Locus 46) there is a small shallow pit (2283.67 masl – 2283.58 masl), which was 30 cm in diameter and ended on bedrock. The matrix in the pit was a medium brown sandy silty loam.
In Locus 56 we found a polishing stone (Ar/Ge.T31.56.L.01) in the NW corner at 2283.69 masl. While removing the whole vessel (Locus 33) in the baulk, we found a small bead (Ar/Ge.T31.31.L.08) at 2283.87 masl.
It is unclear whether the rocks along the southern wall of the trench are covering a pit (pits?), and given the limited time, that will have to remain unexplored. There may also be a pit in the center of the floor, but as one of my workers had excavated it before I noticed, it is unclear whether it was a pit or just clay laid down over stones to level out the floor. The location of the possible pits is marked on the plan. It is also unclear whether the rocks in the middle of the floor are architectural or not.