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July 7, 2013 Day 05
The weather today is chilly. It is not as sunny as previous days. Possible chance of rain. There are many subs here today. I dont have my foreman Roman. The workers started the day by digging and clearing locus 4. After Ara brought his paperwork, I had him start on Locus 3 again to finish it off. My plan was to draw today. Unfortunately, time got away and I will start drawing tomorrow. My official workers are: Ruben Sargsyan, Roman Sargsyan, Ara Khachatryan, Artu Tomasayan, Vardan Boyasyan. At lunch, it was a little warmer. We heard thunder, however, and packed up the stuff in neat piles in case we had to run. I closed locus 3. I was concerned about the slope of locus 2. The NE wall is exposed in locus 4. I feel more confident now that the boulder between locus 2&4 is floating. It is still a few days off from being taken out. It will be a full days work. The workers dug a little too deep in the E corner of Locus 4. Locus 6 will even this out. The soil along the NE wall in Locus 4 is again lighter toward the wall, with more gravel. The soil is darker toward what I would now call the center of room (toward the balk). Elizabeth Fagan left at lunchtime because she arrived in the early morning. Locus 5 was created as a way to even the slope in Locus 2. Locus 5 is rocky, clay silt. medium brown with a higher concentration of clay toward the walls and more silty toward the center of the room. Starting to expose plastered wall stones. We finished removing dirt from locus 5 and I created locus 6. Locus 6 served the same purpose for locus 4 as 5 did for 2.