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In SLT1, finished thick topsoil layer in most of trench. Locus 2 is a brown clayish loam. Some large stones are in a line in a curvilinear form that may enclose SW quadrent of trench. Pavel doesn't think it's a wall, but I'm keeping the material 'inside' wall in SW area seperate as locus 3 until we're sure.

Expanded this trench 4m to the south to get a look at the opposite side of the major wall construction.

In SLT2 removed a lot of cobbles in both locus 2 and 4, uncovering a possible wall construction running E-W. Tomorrow will see if it goes down another course. Recovered two small finds near center of trench (Ar/Ts.SLT2.2.L.1 and Ar/Ts.SLT2.4.L.1). Point provenienced the first (basalt morter) but the second (tuff morter). Artifact count still not terribly overwhelming but is primarily Late Bronze Age in both SLT1 and 2.