Weather: It was a sunny day, without clouds or wind. It was very hot (it was difficult to work).
1- Harmand
2- Karem
3- Rolland
4- Roman
5- Zarzand (He was there for the am)
6- Nareck (he is Zarzand\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s brother. He was there for the pm)
7- Gregor
We had to continue removing the refill soil until we well saw the destruction layer every where. I created two different locus : 101 (destruction layer on the south part of the structure) and 102 (rocky northern part of the structure). The locus 101 is an archeological soil. We had to dig 10 cm deep in this locus. A lot of sherds, some times burnt sherds, charcoals, bones, a little bit of obsidians were found in locus 101.
I saw a concentration of burnt sherds and charcoal against the right wall of the structure: I made a new locus called 103. The soil was also darker and more organic. A big soil sample was taken in this locus. Across the locus 103, I think that we found a post hole. The soil was yellowish (it measure about 20 cm by 30 cm). The locus 103 extend until the center of the structure.
A lot of founds n the locus 102 and 103. A narrow head in transparent obsidian, and one spool are some examples. Also a lot of shreds, bones, charcoal and a little bit of obsidians were found in those locus.