Today was quite warm and mostly sunny, except right after lunch, when it sprinkled just a little bit. I laid out yet another NW extension to WSDB today, and my team of three worked to dig it down to the level of the previous extension, which in the N corner was Locus 12. The new extension\'s topsoil layer, which had rich, loamy black earth, was locus 14. After we removed the topsoil and the next 10 centimeters beneath it, I split the new extension into two loci: 15 in the N corner (below the previous locus 12) and Locus 16 between the two lines of rock that extend into the NW baulk (below the previous locus 13). In the process of digging Locus 16, we came upon a nearly complete vessel of an unusual form, with a sharp carination that almost goes downward between the neck and shoulder of the vessel. After we found the vessel (locus 17), we began to screen what is now locus 18, and found a considerable amount of bone. Because this material was found near the end of the day, we covered the bone that remained more or less in situ and will excavate tomorrow. I use \"in situ\" loosely, because it is a truly puzzling context: I\'m still in a wash layer, amongst a jumble of stones that is not evidently a wall or even a closure. Tomorrow will shed more light on the situation.