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Today was warm, mostly sunny, and with only a couple of drops of rain. We opened the body again, which is now Locus 20, and exposed a relatively well articulated skeleton, with the mandible down on the ribcage, intact vertebrae and a sacrum below, two preserved sides of the pelvis, and one femur, as well as one ulna and maybe one tibia. The body appears to have been interred perhaps in a crouching position, facing the SE, but at the same time, the burial has clearly been disturbed. Part of the cranium was broken off and lay down by the femur, and the ulna was broken and separated from the rest of the body as well. Some or perhaps many of the ribs are not preserved.

We spent the entire day cleaning Locus 18, which is the context for the body, and exposing and cleaning these bones. We seem to have retrieved the majority of the skeleton, with the exception of part of the cranium, the lower limbs, as well as parts of arm. The mandible appears pointed, perhaps indicating a female; however, initial inspection of the teeth suggests a subadult, perhaps in late adolescence, so determining the sex is problematic.

We removed the above described bones today and will continue to clean the locus tomorrow. Parts of the vessel (Locus 17) remain in the locus, but they are very small fragments, and so we covered them and will continue to excavate them tomorrow.