Today was very busy; in WSDB, we created a new locus for the area to the NW of the burial (now Locus 24) and continued to dig, to see if there were more human remains to be recovered. In the end, we did not find much more that was immediately identifiable as human, so it\\\'s unclear where the rest of the body is that might have matched the small mandible recovered on 7/12. But we screened the locus and will continue to expand it on Monday. The bones just appear to be a jumble, not interred remains. There are also small lenses of charcoal at the bottom of the Locus 24 matrix, some of which we sampled (WSDB.24.C14.01).
We also cleaned the wall in the south corner, with the nice corner, and the wall in the E corner close to WSDA, since both loci might appear in WSDA\'s final photos and/or Lilit\'s drawings.
In WSDA1 and 2, we worked to sweep and clean everything for final photos. While I took the final photos, we sent all but four guys over to WSS1 to clear the topsoil. Over the course of the last hour or so, they cleared about 1/3 of one of the new trenches. The other four workers helped Kathryn and Elizabeth H take soil samples from the floor of WSDA. There is still more digging to be done there, but the floor was well exposed and the features clear enough for the final photos.