In SLT1 we're expanding 1m to the S and 3m to E to follow main wall construction and see if stones enclosing locus 10 are a wall. Topsoil S and N of primarily wall are designated locus 11 and 12 respectively. One of the large stones we removed from locus 6 yesterday has a pecked groove through the center going halfway around the stone. I thought it might be a blank for producing small morters such as we've finding in SLT1 and 2, but Pavel thinks it may be a Venus idol. No one can win this debate I fear.
In SLT2 we came down on gray packed clay floor on S side of wall designated locus 13, about 6cm above locus 10 floor on N side of wall. Finished this trench after cleaning of this floor.
Opened new trench SLT3 against large fortification wall inside what appears to be a room. Still in topsoil.