Bottom elevations
Locus 29: 2294.382
Locus 26: 2295.322
Locus 20 bottom: 2294.938
Locus 25 approximate elevation: 2294.832
Locus 27: 2294.382
Locus 31: 2294.85
Locus 43 top elevations
NE: 2293.885
SE: 2293.91
C: 2293.93
SW: 2293.885
NW: 2293.89
Locus 113 is S of locus 112, beyond the small wall.
114 is for wall cleaning
Locus 115 is a pit, next to the E wall, and into the N baulk. 60 cm from E to W x 35 cm from N to S; no finds. One edge lies along the E wall. There was burned soil, next to the top of the pit. Bottom elevation: 2283.502. Top elevation is 2283.952.