In the western chamber, we removed the upper level of whole vessels (Loci 10, 11, and 12) as well as the three small vessels (Loci 15, 16, 17). Soil samples were taken for macrobotanical analysis from all 6 vessels, unfortunately all of them were too broken to take for pollen washes. Then I began removing the animals bones from on top of Locus 14. In addition to vertebrae, there were medium mammal ribs and part of a scapula (sheep/goat). We were able to find the contours of the western chamber at the level of the upper part of the second layer of pots. It is smaller than the stone fence (1.3 m x 0.8 m). Given that there is no clear separation between the materials in theses layers and no clear border higher up, I did not start a new locus.
Underneath the upper level of vessels we exposed two whole vessels (Loci 21 and 22) as well as the 4th small vessel (Locus 19) associated with Locus 14. In addition we exposed a set of large mammal ribs and two humerii (sheep/goat or young cattle). The upper one is at the same level as the bottom of Locus 22 and the lower one is the same level as the dagger. We found a large bronze dagger running E-W in the western half of the locus.
Today we opened a new locus (Locus 20) to the south of the southern wall of the central chamber, after removing some rocks that were under the large white capstone we removed yesterday. After going down a bit in this locus, more rocks are visible. In the central chamber (Locus 18), we continued down with shovels, exposing another course in the walls. While cleaning around the walls, we discovered a small piece of bronze that was vertical in the soil (Ar/Ge.K2.18.M.01) as well as a sheathed bronze dagger in the NW corner of the lower part of locus 18., near the possible northern wall.