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Locus 116 is E of locus 111, S of locus 112, composed of a dark soil
Locus 117 is the cleaning of the E side of the E wall.

T35.117.C14.01 was collected at an elevation of 2283.762; 35 cm from E wall x 155 cm from N baulk.

The E wall (locus 118, if without number already) seems to be only 1 course where the bedrock slopes gently, but becomes more bulky where the angle of the bedrock slope is more severe. In both the N (bulky) and S (one line) sections of the wall, it rests immediately upon bedrock. It also really does appear to be two distinct walls on the N side, except that one ends in space.

The bulky part of locus 118 is 60 cm wide x 260 cm long. The single line part is about 50 cm wide and 240 cm long.

In locus 117, just above (or next to?) the bedrock was some burned looking soil and charcoal. The dimensions of locus 117 are 50 cm x 250 cm. Drawing may be found in journal on map for 7/27/2013.

In the NE corner of locus 112, it became clear where the “bedrock” is actually a fill layer over some possible surface or destruction layer (locus 123), which is very uneven. We removed the bedrock cover over an area of 150 square cm. No cultural materials in the bedrock fill. One EB sherd in locus 123. Several small stones also lie in the NE corner.

Locus 124 is the second wall, next to locus 118; dimensions are 145 cm x 30 cm. Drawing may be found in journal on map for 7/27/2013.