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Work in AB4 today confirmed the emerging N/S architecture in trench west, followed wall stones E-W in trench east, and attempted further cleaning of the possible burial in trench east.

In locus 31, trench West, downward progress revealed a line of W-E stones dividing the locus into two new sections, a southern locus 32 and a northern 33. Additional wall stones revealed here suggest that the intersections with the N-S architecture to the west may in fact be a right angle, and not curvilinear. Two C14 samples were collected from the locus 32 LB cultural fill.

To the west, continued downward progress in locus 30, just west of the possible burial, revealed at least three courses of N-S architecture--large, robust andesite cobbles. This confirms the original 2008 trench placement at the corner of a 10x10m LB room! If it holds true, we are descending on a floor bounded by more than 1.5m of preserved wall.

The exact contours of the burial formation in trench West are elusive and rather confusing. Every time I think we have the circular line set, it reveals itself to be floating wall fall, etc. Our strategy, therefore, is to follow the E-W stones until we have defined the wall there entirely and then work northwards from that terminus.